
Post op day 6

I saw Dr Herzig again today. I was so nervous because I was worried he was going to say that I've improved enough that he wasn't going to swap out the lenses. He sat me in the chair and had me do a vision test. He read me at 20/60 in the Left and 20/50 in the Right, but was able to correct both to 20/20 , however it was still not "crisp". He said it didn't make much sense because it was such a small amount of correction that I should really be closer to 20/25 now if that's all that I needed. He measured the distance between the ICL and my natural lens and compared it to last week's measurement (taken at 1 day post op) to make sure they weren't too far away from my lens (if they were he would consider swapping them with a shorter lens). He likes it to be anywhere from 200-700 microns away and mine is over 800, but he said anything under 1000 is fine. He said the good thing about it being that far away is it practically eliminates the risk of cataract....

Post op day 3

I'm feeling like the vision is starting to improve, either that or I am just getting used to it. But its still really hard to read street signs, my computer screen, etc. Just generally blurry all around. Really getting anxious to see the dr on Monday.

Post-op Day 2

My left eye is starting to feel better, but I had a really hard time seeing today and lots of halos.  Still really light sensitive. Happened upon an eye chart at the Science Centre we took the kids to and the vision is still like 20/80-20/100 :(

Post-op Day 1

Post op day 1 update: I woke up at 5am (and by the way, it was light out!) excited to see with my new eyes. Unfortunately I was still very dilated so it was not much different from when I went to bed. So I went back to sleep. Woke up at 830am and the halos were much better, still there but not as significant, and the dilation was finally starting to wear off. I did not have that "wow!" Moment I read about on all the blogs - my vision was still very blurry. I can get around just fine but can't read anything at a distance and the up close vision was still blurry from the dilation. Went to the day 1 post op appointment which was supposed to just be with the optometrist. Turns out I'm only seeing about 20/80-20/100. She was able to correct me to 20/25 with lenses so she said I needed to see the dr. Dr took some images of both eyes and dilated my right eye again (the one that got the toric lens) to check the positioning. Everything checked out as being in the right spot , ...

Post-op Day 0 PM update

I've been resting most of the day. Took several naps (not sure if it's the Ativan, the lack of sleep, eye fatigue , or a combo). Needing to keep the shades on even in the dark room with the curtains drawn. Netflix is on in the background but it's hard to watch for too long. I considered an audiobook but that would surely put me to sleep. I'm feeling good though! No pain at all, just a ton of light sensitivity, itchy dry eyes that I want to rub but can't , and blurred vision. There are massive halos around entering with a hint of light to it, but that's to be expected considering how dilated my eyes still are. Hoping I'll wake up tomorrow with the dilation worn off and I can actually start to get a feel for the vision! A lot of other people (even with worse vision than mine prior to surgery) report having HD vision and many are seeing better than 20/20. My dr said that's not the most realistic goal but that I can hope for 20/25 in my left eye and close t...

Surgery Day

I'm writing this a few days after the surgery, so some of the details are fuzzy, but I'll do my best. My check in time was set for 7am, which meant waking up at about 5:45am. We got the kids up and threw them in the car in their PJs.  Got to Herzig right at 7am and I  had about 20 pages to sign, then of course, pay the $8000+ bill. Once that was taken care of, I was brought back to the pre-op room (which also happens to be the post-op recovery). The nurse put 4 different eye drops in my eyes , placed a sticker over my right eye (to indicate which eye to operate on first). About 10 minutes later I got another series of the same 4 drops. Then one more series about 10 min later. I got to finish my coffee while the nurse gave me a hand massage. There was one other patient brought in after me, an older gentleman having cataract surgery. I was then called back to the eye exam room for one more series of drops before Dr Herzig came in, He took one last look at my eyes and then said...

Pre-Op Appointment

Today was the day I've been nervous about. Meeting Dr Herzig, having my final measurements taken, and hoping that their measurements matched the ones I got done in FL, and that the lenses they ordered were correct. After a bit of a wait (we were late as we did not expect so much traffic, so I don't blame them for the wait),  I was taken into a room where a technician used two different machines to take images of my eyes. Next, he took me into another room with 2 more machines for additional measurements. I was then led to another waiting room. There, I got to chatting with some of the other people waiting, all of them seemed to be there for cataract surgery. They were surprised to find out that I came from FL to have this surgery, so I got to explaining a bit about the FDA hold up and all of that. We had a nice chat about FL and Orlando in particular, as the gentleman had been there recently on a business trip. Eventually, I was called back to meet with the Optometrist who did ...