Post-op Day 0 PM update

I've been resting most of the day. Took several naps (not sure if it's the Ativan, the lack of sleep, eye fatigue , or a combo). Needing to keep the shades on even in the dark room with the curtains drawn. Netflix is on in the background but it's hard to watch for too long. I considered an audiobook but that would surely put me to sleep. I'm feeling good though! No pain at all, just a ton of light sensitivity, itchy dry eyes that I want to rub but can't , and blurred vision. There are massive halos around entering with a hint of light to it, but that's to be expected considering how dilated my eyes still are. Hoping I'll wake up tomorrow with the dilation worn off and I can actually start to get a feel for the vision! A lot of other people (even with worse vision than mine prior to surgery) report having HD vision and many are seeing better than 20/20. My dr said that's not the most realistic goal but that I can hope for 20/25 in my left eye and close to 20/20 in my right. But maybe we will be surprised and it'll be better than that, but not to expect it. I'd be content with the same vision I had with glasses (20/25-20/30) but ecstatic with anything better.  Off to do another series of eye drops so TTFN!


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