Post op day 6
I saw Dr Herzig again today. I was so nervous because I was worried he was going to say that I've improved enough that he wasn't going to swap out the lenses.
He sat me in the chair and had me do a vision test. He read me at 20/60 in the Left and 20/50 in the Right, but was able to correct both to 20/20 , however it was still not "crisp". He said it didn't make much sense because it was such a small amount of correction that I should really be closer to 20/25 now if that's all that I needed. He measured the distance between the ICL and my natural lens and compared it to last week's measurement (taken at 1 day post op) to make sure they weren't too far away from my lens (if they were he would consider swapping them with a shorter lens). He likes it to be anywhere from 200-700 microns away and mine is over 800, but he said anything under 1000 is fine. He said the good thing about it being that far away is it practically eliminates the risk of cataract. He also checked my eye pressure in both eyes and it was fine. At this point he said the best thing to do is to give it more time. Since they have already improved significantly since 1 day post op, he thinks my eyes just need more time to adjust. If it stays this way for another month or so, then I can come back for a laser touch up and he's confident he can get me to 20/20 that way. Since I'm in town for another week, he said he would see me again before I left just to see if there's been any improvement.
I spoke to Teresa, the Refractive manager, on my way out, and she assured me that he wouldn't leave my vision like this. She said that when I see him next week, if my vision is the same as it is now, he could give me a prescription for glasses , which I would need for driving.
this was my biggest concern going into this surgery and everyone said I was being irrational. but this is just what happens with my vision, always has. I always have such a hard time correcting it - I think theres just some other factor going on that's just not "typical"... but no one has seemed to be able to figure it out. This dr says that my corneas show a much more significant astigmatism than what I show in the vision test, which leads him to believe that my natural lens also has an astigmatism but in the opposite direction so they balance each other out.
Certainly not the outcome I was hoping for, but I'm trying to be optimistic, and also to think of how much of a quality of life improvement I already have now that I don't NEED glasses, and that I can still function fairly well without glasses, whereas obviously before I was 100% dependent on my glasses at all times. So now I can do things like athletics, water sports, etc and not worry about my glasses or contacts. And in an emergency situation I can see! So I am trying to remain positive about it... but I can't help but feel slighted of the experience so many others have had, of being able to see better than they ever have.... I wanted that WOW moment when I woke up for the first time and had HD vision! But I am hopeful that maybe with laser surgery down the road, I'll get there. Or maybe he's right and my eyes just need time to adjust.
He sat me in the chair and had me do a vision test. He read me at 20/60 in the Left and 20/50 in the Right, but was able to correct both to 20/20 , however it was still not "crisp". He said it didn't make much sense because it was such a small amount of correction that I should really be closer to 20/25 now if that's all that I needed. He measured the distance between the ICL and my natural lens and compared it to last week's measurement (taken at 1 day post op) to make sure they weren't too far away from my lens (if they were he would consider swapping them with a shorter lens). He likes it to be anywhere from 200-700 microns away and mine is over 800, but he said anything under 1000 is fine. He said the good thing about it being that far away is it practically eliminates the risk of cataract. He also checked my eye pressure in both eyes and it was fine. At this point he said the best thing to do is to give it more time. Since they have already improved significantly since 1 day post op, he thinks my eyes just need more time to adjust. If it stays this way for another month or so, then I can come back for a laser touch up and he's confident he can get me to 20/20 that way. Since I'm in town for another week, he said he would see me again before I left just to see if there's been any improvement.
I spoke to Teresa, the Refractive manager, on my way out, and she assured me that he wouldn't leave my vision like this. She said that when I see him next week, if my vision is the same as it is now, he could give me a prescription for glasses , which I would need for driving.
this was my biggest concern going into this surgery and everyone said I was being irrational. but this is just what happens with my vision, always has. I always have such a hard time correcting it - I think theres just some other factor going on that's just not "typical"... but no one has seemed to be able to figure it out. This dr says that my corneas show a much more significant astigmatism than what I show in the vision test, which leads him to believe that my natural lens also has an astigmatism but in the opposite direction so they balance each other out.
Certainly not the outcome I was hoping for, but I'm trying to be optimistic, and also to think of how much of a quality of life improvement I already have now that I don't NEED glasses, and that I can still function fairly well without glasses, whereas obviously before I was 100% dependent on my glasses at all times. So now I can do things like athletics, water sports, etc and not worry about my glasses or contacts. And in an emergency situation I can see! So I am trying to remain positive about it... but I can't help but feel slighted of the experience so many others have had, of being able to see better than they ever have.... I wanted that WOW moment when I woke up for the first time and had HD vision! But I am hopeful that maybe with laser surgery down the road, I'll get there. Or maybe he's right and my eyes just need time to adjust.
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